Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quote of the Day!

Waiting for something always makes it more exciting.
-Andy Warhol


no said...

perfect quote. for the holidays, for life in general, for love...just perfect =)

Chunks of Reality said...

Hello! How was your Christmas and New Year's? I hope everything went well and you had a marvelous time.

Brent said...

Hey Lilly, hope everythings well. All is well here in L.A. Thought you might like this quote. I know I do:

"This is a world where everybody’s gotta do something. Ya know, somebody laid down this rule that everybody’s gotta do something, they gotta be something. You know, a dentist, a glider pilot, a narc, a janitor, a preacher, all that... Sometimes I just get tired of thinking of all the things that I don’t wanna do. All the things that I don’t wanna be. Places I don’t wanna go, like India, like getting my teeth cleaned. Save the whale, all that, I don’t understand that..."
-Charles Bukowski

Also, check out my recent post. I tagged you for an award.

Chunks of Reality said...

Hey, Lilly! How are you doing? Just wanted to drop by and see how you are. Just a little worried....